As readers of this blog know, I have a caffeine problem. Only a year ago, I used to limit my caffeine intake so I wouldn’t be termed “addicted.” I would have coffee only every other day. Then I gave in because coffee is just that good. The slippery slope led to experimenting with pre-workout supplements (which often entail caffeine), and now I have reached the pinnacle of a caffeine problem where I am reviewing products whose sole purpose is to caffeinate you. Enter stage right Vital4U’s Screamin Energy Max Hit.
I only agree to review products that I’m sincerely interested in using. Besides simply enjoying the taste of coffee, I’m also an avid gym goer and always looking for something to give me a kick and pump. My typical regimen is mixing together some scoops of BCAAs, creatine, glutamine, beta alanine, and arginine before I hit the weights. (These are pretty standard supplements if you follow that stuff. Maybe one day I’ll write more about my #fitlife and become a fitness blogger. Probably not.) However, taking all those powders on the road can be a pain. When I heard about Vital4U, I saw a solution.
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