In the last year I've decided that among my hobbies of blogging, seeking out iced coffee at local cafes, sending emails after midnight, and creating Facebook events for things that could be better coordinated in a group text, I am also a photographer. What this means is, I maintain an active Instagram account and cultivate a specific aesthetic. Sometimes I click over to my profile and just admire my patchwork of filters and life moments.
I am not the first millennial to pride themselves on their Instagram. I wouldn't mind being "Insta-famous." Many blog posts ago, I wrote about growing one's followers. At the time I thought it was a matter of strategic hashtags and luck. I still think it's about those things, but it's also a bigger game.
A few months ago, I created another Instagram account. For a while I had been posting photos of architecture in Richmond's Fan District on my personal account aka people's front stoops and Hanover Avenue. I decided I should stop burying my friends in unsolicited real estate propaganda and I would start an account just for the Fan. Enter @FanDistrictRVA.
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