Help Me Pick My Profile Picture(s)

I already hate myself for this idea. But it really fascinates me. Learning y'all, it's awesome.

I read an article on Time a few days ago, which stated that we are scientifically worse at picking pictures of ourselves for our social media pages than strangers are. While not all of you are strangers, apparently you already are going to pick better pictures of me than me.

Weird, right? But maybe not actually surprising, as seen in real life examples...

I regularly post pictures on Instagram (shameless plug, that's a link to my Instagram account, which may come in handy later when you help me pick my best picture). Sometimes I post pictures that I think are pretty great, like this snap of me and a puppy. I mean, my head tilt is on point, I've got a tad peep of my cleavage showing and both of my eyes are open. AND THERE'S A PUPPY.

Yet, (no offense Cazey), this picture of me and Cazey has more likes. I'm not saying this isn't a nice picture, because it really is, but my hair looks weird, the sweater is sitting weird and wuuut are my hands doing!?

Then there's picture of me wearing Warby Parker glasses that I posted years ago. I never thought much of it. I've got my eyebrow raised, and that's it. Yet one of my friends talks about that picture of me like it's the beacon of photography success for me. I don't get it.

But, according to the research, he's probably more right than I am.

Another time this happened was on Tinder. They have this feature that shows your most successful photo first (don't ask, I have no idea how the algorithm works). My winning pic? Me swinging a golf club. Perhaps it's because the pants I'm wearing make me look semi-naked? Or maybe because you can't see my face and my face is a turnoff? (I hope I'm kidding)

I would have guaranteed that the picture of me and my ex-roommate's dog would be a winner. I mean, dog!! Apparently I'm the only one that prioritizes dogs on dating apps.

Welp, let's get this over with. If you feel like helping me determine which pictures make me seem the most likable (don't worry, I already know we're fighting a losing battle on that one), tell me which one you like best. Or, this is the moment you've been waiting for to submit hate mail. Proceed, sigh.

Here's a smattering of profile pictures that run the gamut, from LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder and our About us page. Plus a few extra's for options (you can also consider the ones above). Let the comments roll below. **as I vomit on myself over my self-centeredness**