The Solution to My Overly Frugal Fashion Problems

I won $100 at work, but they couldn't hand me cash for tax purposes, so I got a $50 gift card to H&M and a $50 to Target. That way, I would force myself into buying clothes, but I could also be practical at Target. I legitimately laid in bed one day on the Target website and brainstormed what I'd like to buy. I decided on tampons, a hamper and mouthwash. Let's just breeze over the fact that it took me hours of thinking to decide on those three items and move on to an even bigger problem.

I had $50 to H&M. That gift card was almost guaranteed to spend itself. Until it didn't. I picked out a bright pink top (trying to expand my colors in my wardrobe), a flowy summer top (it was on sale for $2) and a blue sweater that sat like a tent on my body but had tigers on it (because it had tigers on it, duh). It cost me $25 total. 

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Water...Is Not a Basic Right?

This weekend my friend and I went out. As is the millennial way, we pregamed. The goal is always to buy one drink if we have to buy a drink at all. I’m always comforted to find non-grad student friends that share this outlook.

However, I will ask for water when out. This is for both hangover prevention and I want to have something in my hand while I pretend that I know how to dance (hey, it’s one less limb I have to coordinate). I always tip for water, though, because I understand that’s what makes the bartender go round.

This weekend that did not work out so well.

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