The Club Can't Even Handle Cazey Right Now
This past weekend was VCU's MCV Campus's Winter Ball, which was the third time Cazey and I have attended. Last year it was a masquerade ball, and this year it was a James Bond-themed ball. It was a standard ball with heavy appetizers, boys in bow-ties, and girls in sparkly dresses. I ate a lot, danced a bit and wandered around a lot.
Then our friends/co-dates decided to head to Kai to dance a bit. I was done with the ball, so I was down to go to Kai. We got Cazey and headed over to break it down a bit. He was especially excited. Before he even moved to Richmond, he discovered Kai and loved it since it generally consists of fog machines, lasers and electronic dance music. Since I hadn't gotten drunk at this point and I was rather tired since I'm an old lady these days, I wasn't dancing as enthusiastically as I sometimes do.
The same could not be said for Cazey. That boy had his dancing shoes on.
We get to the dance floor, and our two friends are really precious. They're ex-roommates and well-versed in rap music. They also have enough rhythm that they didn't look ridiculous.
Meanwhile, Cazey looked the opposite. His dance moves drew the attention of -- well -- everyone.
I could NOT stop laughing. "Hotline Bling" then started, and it looked like Cazey's night was made. The best dance move he used during this segment of the evening was when he made each of his hands into phones and then ran around putting his fake phone hands up to people's faces.
Then iHeartMemphis' 'Hit the Quan,' came on, and this boy slayed the dance floor with some squats. But that's not all. He accompanied them with some booty-slapping hand gestures plus some circular motions; it appeared he was mixing something with a whisk. Just like iHeartMemphis. Kidding -- it looked just the opposite.
Cazey took his dancing seriously. He was working it, and he knew it. He covered a lot of territory and was encouraging everyone to join in. That was until Liz, who one day will be featured in a blog post called "Living with Liz," was approached by the bouncer. I overheard most of the conversation, but we've also repeated it every ten minutes or so since it happened:
"Are you friends with him?" the bouncer asks, pointing toward Cazey. Liz nods.
“He needs to sit down for a bit since we don’t want to kick him out.”
Cazey was kicked off the dance floor. Not the club, just the dance floor. I wasn't upset about it as I was sleepy and Liz wanted to sit since heels suck. But then the icing on the cake was Cazey not understanding why he was kicked off. He was just responding to the way the music made him feel.
"I don't understand," Cazey kept saying. "Why can't I dance? I'm not even that drunk."
It's hard to tell if they thought Cazey was too drunk or if his dancing was just too aggressive. Either way, he can now say he has actually been kicked off a dance floor. For dancing. He says he's not sure if he's proud or embarrassed. He isn't normally comfortable dancing, and this night he danced "with abandon" (his words) and got kicked off the floor for doing so. Whoops.
The best part of it all is that our other roommate Liz, who has a blog post coming called "Living with Liz," taped the whole thing. The morning after, we watched Cazey's moves at the brunch table. Cazey looked away and sipped on his iced coffee. But forevermore we can relive Cazey's atrocious moves before he was asked to sit down.
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