Who Knew I was Fashionable?
If I don’t pick out my outfit the night before a day of work, I end up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. If I half plan out an outfit, I’ll know what dress I’m going to wear, but not tights or shoes. And that’s how I ended up at work with a black and white dress with patterned tights.
See, when I try to pick out tights in the morning, it’s rather hard to see because I don’t like a lot of light in the morning. I'm not a morning person. Add on top that about half of my tights have holes in them, I spent a lot of time putting tights on and taking them back off. Once I finally found black tights without holes in them, I just went with it. They appeared to be solid black in my eyes.
Once out in the real world, it was evident that my tights were not in fact solid black, but obviously patterned, ones that didn’t go with the dress. Like at all, minus the fact they’re both black. Whatever, it was a Monday. To work I went, with a tights and dress combo that didn't really work.
Then a cool thing happened.
Someone told me I was rocking a solid power clash. I had a weird blank look on my face and didn’t have any idea what that meant. Upon Googling what exactly what power clashing meant, I discovered someone had mistaken me as fashionable. Power clashing is when you match bold patterns together…intentionally.
Exhibit A.
I’d just like to go on record and say that this excites me. I’ve been clashing since day one (see exhibit A), and now people think I’m doing it on purpose. And even better, they think it looks good. I do question whether or not my power clashing actually counts though. It’s all about that intentionality. Perhaps I don’t actually power clash because I usually don’t match simply because I don’t pay that much attention.
Whether or not I actually power clash, I’ll take it. I’ll take the compliment and raise you a moral to this story. I’ve never been fashionable. I’ve never owned fancy clothes or spent hours shopping for perfect accessories. That’s just not me. But just being me clearly has come into fashion. About damn time.
So regardless of whether you match or don’t, or spend a ton of money on a full closet or don’t, do you, and once every decade or two something you’ve always done is going to be considered mainstream fashionable without you even being aware of it. Congratulations!