The Breakup- I'm Done with Gold's Gym Willow Lawn

I've been an unwilling patron of the Gold's Gym at Willow Lawn for the past two year. I say unwilling because I got locked into a contract that made it nearly impossible for me to leave. Rather than paying a meager $9.99/month with no contract, plus 3 months free, like they have been advertising on a billboard right next to my house, I pay $29.99/ month with a two year contract and 0 months free.

That billboard is a daily reminder of my angst with Gold's Gym.

I pass it every day to get home.

My anger began when I started going to yoga (isn't it ironic) and they don't cap the classes. Nor do they have a door-lock policy where you have to show up on time or not be allowed in. So not only is the class passed what I would consider capacity, but they continue to let people cram in halfway through class. How can I focus on relaxing when I'm getting jostled during my sun salutations?

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Awkward Gym Encounters

This morning I’ve finished doing leg lifts on a dip machine and am about to do some decline crunches when this dude approaches me: “Hey, man, can you spot me?” He smells of sour cream and onion BO.

Points of information: I don’t know this man, he reeks, and I am not comfortable spotting people. I am also wearing headphones, which is like wearing an invisibility cloak: Don’t disrupt someone with headphones. So why are you asking me, dude? Do I look like a for-hire spotter?

However, I acquiesce. It’s more awkward to say “No, I can’t” than to feign spotting (unless I end up allowing the barbell to crush his sternum; that could be way more awkward).

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