The Only 5 Items You HAVE to Buy Name Brand
Ever since starting my job at an auto insurance comparison website, I've began to realize how often it is that people may compare prices on things. You're standing in a grocery aisle and what's the first thing you do: scan the isle looking for if any brands are on sale that week. Does it really matter if you get Daisy sour cream or Breakstone's? No, no, it does not because it's freaking sour cream.
As I say that though, there are a few products that I absolutely will never ever skimp on. No matter what the cost is, I will buy the specific name brand. However, they are few and far between, and there are distinct reasons as to why these items mandate name brand. In no particular order, here are the only 5 items you have to buy name brand or nothing:
1. Tampons
I don't mess with off-brand tampons. Let's be real, you're getting intimate with this item, and for anything that goes inside your vagina, demand standards (please consider applying this rule to dating, too. Just my little PSA for the day).
Periods are the worst. Do you really want to risk a red sea because you skimped and went for the shitty tampons? I don't. And even if you go off-brand, or cardboard applicator, or the ones without the pearls, it's going to be excessively expensive anyway. Might as well step your game up, ensure you're protected and treat your vagina to the best. That's why I choose Tampax Pearl (hey Tampax, you didn't pay for that free plug, but I wouldn't mind if you did. And ewww, please don't look too closely at my word choice on "plug" in a post about tampons).
2. Toilet Paper
So it must be something about my nether-regions that I insist upon quality for. However, my mom once said something that stuck with me through life:
“Don’t waste your money buying cheap toilet paper. It’s like throwing money down the drain.”
As you read that, try not to get caught up in the irony that we're talking about a product that literally will be thrown down the drain.
But here's a little anecdote about cheap toilet paper: our house has four girls living in it. Once we bought an 8 pack of cheap toilet paper. It was gone in one weekend. However, when I buy the 4-pack of Scott toilet paper, that lasts at least a few weeks. Is Scott the most expensive toilet paper on the aisle, yes, BUT you're paying for longevity.
And not to get graphic, but cheap toilet paper leaves its memory behind when you use it. And I'm not about that life. Get Scott and you don't have to buy toilet paper every week, and you won't spend your time getting irritated by the left behind toilet paper bits in your behind.
3. Running Shoes
Holy nuggets, am I picky when it comes to my running shoes. They have to be Nike, they have to look a certain way, they have to fit a certain way, and they almost certainly cost me dearly. However, when you're hitting the pavement and exercising, skimping on shoes is horrible. Also, my mother would always buy me nice shoes growing up so now I'm accustom to it, and now that I'm past my prime (did you know your prime is 23?), I need to do everything I can to maintain my elderly body. Shoes are the foundation for that.
Throw in there that my feet are wide, I have big arches and they're bigger than your average lady feet, I need them to be conducive to my unique cloppers. You feel better when your shoes are comfortable, so spend money making sure they are.
4. Nutella
I made this mistake once: I bought Kroger brand hazelnut spread. I mean, how different can name brand and generic really be in this instance?
Just a few light years away from themselves in the scale of excellence, actually. I mean, wow, was there really a difference. It was such a letdown.
And when I'm buying Nutella, it's usually in times in my life where it's covering up a letdown, so shitty hazelnut spread just makes it worse. Go for gold for your fattening Nutella cravings, and buy straight class, or you'll know what regret really tastes like.
5. Candles
I threw this one into my list in honor of my brother/ATOB intern, as he once bought a candle from Yankee Candle. He also bought my mom one and was excessively excited about his purchases. Once he came home from work/school/social obligations, and goes, "I smell my candle, who lit my candle? I bought you a candle for you to use, so you don't have to use mine."
Kid got real about his candle game.
So then since I now knew my brother must really like candles, I bought him a little one as a gift-topper once. As soon as he saw it, he goes, "Ew, this isn't Yankee Candle. There's no point in lighting it."
And while he sounds like a candle snob, the lad has got a point. Yankee Candles are the premier candle in the market, and when you want your house smelling fresh, the best is really what you need.
Sound off in the comments about the items you insist upon buying name brand!